Friday, 18 April 2014

Nude Proofs / Pruebas Desnudas

Well, whilst voyaging home, the proofs from mine and others' nude photographic sessions were published on the lovely photographer, Manuel Delgado's blog, Manuel Y Las Junglas De África. Each subject was asked to just be themselves in front of the camera. Bearing this in mind, some of the images may be considered to be sexual. If nudity and overt sexuality might offend, read and look no further and certainly do not click on the link!

In my opinion, the above portrait of myself has really captured my quintessence: anyone who knows me is aware of my hearty laugh and the fact that I enjoy life as much as I am capable of doing and with gusto. Laughter is supposedly good for the bones, so I am going to keep on laughing until my last breath. Besides, my arthritic bones need every assistance they can procure (pun intended).

My gratitude and love to Manuel (pictured below) for making the experience such a delight.

Most of the folk photographed are not known to me; however, one of my Spanish friends has also been the study of Manuel's camera. It is both disconcerting and fascinating seeing someone one knows naked for the first time. I did not know my chum had tattoos for example as the subject had not arisen in conversation. And, naturally, so on…!!! For example, I have to say, I thought, due to his facial hairiness, my chum would be much more hirsute than he is in actuality.

Once the series is complete and Manuel has decided upon his final selections for his series and (hopefully) exhibition, I shall of course apprise you the readers. And who knows, one might even be able to purchase a naked portrait of yours truly to hang on your walls! ;)

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