Sunday, 20 April 2014

A Visit to Santander in Holy Week

Whenever taking the car to Spain, I pass through Santander and have an overnight stay in Hotel Chiqui at the very end of El Sardinero esplanade. On this trip I had two nights in Santander and so had time to explore the city for the first time: it did not disappoint.

View from Santa Clara towards the Cathedral.

The grand Plaza Porticada (porticoed square) - though avoid coffee at the terrace café as it is terrible and the service poor!

Santander Cathedral or in Spanish, Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Santander.

We were fortunate to arrive during Holy Week, Semana Santa, which saved us touring the churches of the city to view the various ecclesiastical statuary that make up the Stations of the Cross, as they were laid out in a marquee, and we watched as many were decorated with fresh flowers in preparation for being paraded through the streets.

The above images give an overview of the display.

The plaque for El Flagelado, the Scourged Jesus.

Jesus surrounded by iris, symbol of the Virgin Mary, and red carnations, which in Christian iconography, iconolingüística, means love.

The plaque for Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Our Merciful Lady.

The above statue, or imagen, recalls Penélope Cruz to my mind: stunningly beautiful. It just fascinated me, and hence I took a fair few photographs. These four give an impression from afar and then approaching her.

The plaque for Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, Our Lady of Sorrows.

The plaque for El Santo Entierro, the Entombed Jesus.

The effigy of a recumbent Jesus surrounded by statues of the faithful is incredibly realistic, and I personally found the ensemble rather moving. My two companions also enjoyed the experience and the artistry, not just of the sculptors, but also of the embroiderers, the florists and silversmiths.

Wishing all readers
a very happy Easter!
¡Feliz Pascua!

"Él era la luz verdadera
la luz que ilumina a todo hombre,
y llegaba al mundo"

Juan/John 1:9


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