Wednesday, 12 February 2025

My care this January

January in review


I did not leave the house once, which is typical of the month if I stay in the country. The weather customarily effects my arthritides etc.


I had no visitors during the month. Probably best given health-issues (more below)!



I started February as a continuation of much of January, with diarrhœa!

January gave me two serious bouts. The first we suspect was norovirus which lasted six days and then over a week to recover. Prior to fully recovering I had a further three days of diarrhœa. Again over a week for my system to recover.

I was forced to stop taking most of my meds, as: one, I was really not up to swallowing, I was for the most part sipping liquids; and, two, the medications dehydrate, so the NHS advises to stop until recovered from the dehydrating effects of diarrhœa.

Yesterday I was due to start taking the full dose of the dehydrating medication, which I managed just before a fresh bout of diarrhœa.

Thankfully matters seemed to have stopped me up. [Fingers crossed!]



January had 31 days.

Housemate gave me 30 meals (4 breakfasts, 5 brunches, 2 snacks, 19 dinners). Of the 19 evening meals, 2 were snacks; only 17 were proper cooked meals. The breakies/brunches were solicited, i.e. only proffered due to my recalling to request. The 2 snacks were unsolicited. I made dinner once with housemate supervising. Over all it works out at an average of one meal per day, where ‘meal’ might be a slice of toast, cereal or a sandwich for the whole 24-hour+ period.

I missed 4 evening meals due to my own illness or because it was too late to eat by the time housemate came home (after 21.00).

Housemate forgot to feed me on 6 evenings.

Housemate was too ill to feed me on 2 evenings.


Over the course of the month I was assisted with 3 baths, 0 showers, 0 washing, 0 teeth-cleaning.


All in all, this appears to be a typical month, and certainly much better than December’s record.


P.S. As ever, my apologies for how Blogger makes the text appear. I have tried other options, but it makes it worse. 

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