Monday, 2 May 2016

May is International M.E. Awareness Month

May is International M.E. Awareness Month and the 12th May is International M.E. Awareness Day, for which I am preparing a brand-new blog-post.

[Image description: logo; a blue ribbon encircled by the words BLUE RIBBON FOR MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (ME);
beneath all this the word "awareness"]

In the meantime, here is a list of all my previously published posts which are either directly about myalgic encephalomyelitis or there is pertinence to the illness. They are listed from most recent down to initial blog-post.

21.04.2016 (04/21/2016)     My Long-lost Ability to Read
Celebrating the return of my ability to read for extended periods & for pleasure.

02.11.2015 (11/02/2015)     Disability Activism Relinquished
(i) Explaining my reasons for giving up being an activist for disability issues;
(ii) Confirming I shall continue as an M.E. bedtivist.

13.10.2015 (10/13/2015)     'Flu Jabs & Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Whether or not M.E.-sufferers should take vaccines & specifically for influenza.

01.09.2015 (09/01/2015)     Medical Support for the House-bound
Discussion on the dearth of health, medical & social support for the ill, disabled & elderly folk who can rarely leave their homes.

11.08.2015 (08/11/2015)     Severe M.E. Day
(i) An attempt to raise awareness of severe M.E.;
(ii) A list of severe M.E. symptoms.

31.05.2015 (05/31/2015)     Global Endemic Plague
(i) An attempt to raise awareness of the size and scale of M.E.;
(ii) A list of symptoms.

A diary of Facebook updates over the course of May 2014.

12.05.2014 (05/12/2014)     Addlement or Brain-fog
A look at one of the most common symptoms of M.E. - dyscognition.

12.05.2014 (05/12/2014)     International M.E. Awareness Day, 12th May 2014
Live-blogged diary of twenty-fours in my M.E. life plus update on ramifications.

08.05.2014 (05/08/2014)     "This is the face" of M.E.
A poem by guest-contributor Sophie Turner.

25.11.2013 (11/25/2013)     DWP Aggro & Clairvoyant Nurse
(i) Bureaucratic difficulties in obtaining legal entitlement to social security benefits;
(ii) Mis-diagnosis and medically inappropriate expectation that my severe M.E. will ameliorate in 18 months.

27.05.2013 (05/27/2013)     All Back
A poem about desperately wanting my pre-M.E. lifestyle.

01.05.2013 (05.01.2013)     No Sex Please, We're... Disabled! *
Difficulties in finding a sexual partner when one has M.E.

14.12.2012 (12/14/2012)     Battlers in the ME/CFS Wars
A plea for tolerance, common-sense & pragmatism to prevail.

31.07.2012 (07/31/2012)     Judgmentalism of Invalids
(i) Description of the on-set of my M.E.;
(ii) Discussion of how UK society perceives & treats disabled individually and collectively.

18.05.2012 (05/18/2012)     Pain: a Taxonomy
A classification of pain as I experience it.


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