Saturday, 30 November 2013

WoWPetition's 100K

Some time shortly after eight this evening WoWPetition reached and breached the 100,000 signatures needed for consideration of a debate in Parliament. It attained the target not with a trickle but with a flood with some five hundred signatures in that hour.

This means that WoWpetition is one of two current epetitions that has exceeded the 100K required to trigger a debate.

However, WoWPetition is the number one (#1) epetition effecting the notorious Department for Work & Pensions (DWP). It is only the third ever petition relating to this noxious department of government ever to attain the necessary 100,000 signatories.

As far as I know, thus far - at the time of publishing according to Google - only the Mirror has covered WoWPetition's success.

WoWPetition does not close until 12th December at 12.12. One still has an opportunity to add one's monicker and metaphorically stand in solidarity with disabled &/or chronically sick folk. To those of you who already have signed, my and my fellow WoWriers' gratitude. %)

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