Friday, 26 April 2013

Crippled, Queer, Anglo-European Ranter's First Birthday

[Image description: a cake with the inscription "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"]

Well, I can hardly believe a year has gone by.

The number of views in my first blog's first year reached 24,710. This averages at over two thousand per month or about 475 per week. My best month was February when I reached the heady heights of 3,245 viewings.

I have recorded visits from all continents with the exception of Antarctica. So, if there is anyone in one of the research stations there, I should dearly love for you to pay a visit. And I most certainly would blog on it too! My most recent growth areas have been in South America and China over the past few weeks. My hope is to establish a separate Spanish language blog linked to this one... eventually!

All major countries/economies are represented in the statistics. Here are the cumulative stats for the top ten only:

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United Kingdom
United States

Truly I feel humbled.

This will be blog-post sixty-two (62). Blog article sixty-three (63) is ready to publish on 1st May as part of Blogging Against Disablism Day 2013Here's a foretaste of what is to come: the article is actually entitled "No Sex Please, We're... Disabled!" So if that piques your curiosity, please feel free to return here next Wednesday.

The second in my series on Penis Problems is almost complete too. This time I am taking a closer look at urethras. Don't know what one is? Well, another incentive to come back for a closer inspection! Just believe me when I say it was a definite eye-opener to me, and I have had to look at photos of one-eyed monsters I should have rather preferred to completely avoid. What I do to ensure my research is as accurate as possible!

A special thank-you to my three doughty followers whom I appreciate sticking with me.

I hope my writing has improved a little over the past year. Certainly I have made mistakes. However, rather than emend, I have simply allowed such to remain in situ but struck through. This approach seems more honest to me, especially in respect to anyone who returns to an article.

Not sure how the coming year will pan out, for much of my time and energies are taken up with disability campaigning for the WOWpetition (q.v.); but I do sincerely hope I shall have some opportunities to keep sharing my rants, complaints and whinges with you.

My heartfelt thanks for reading and my very best wishes for you all.

Colin-Roy aka criquaer


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