I promised the third part of the poëm trilogy on an old crush from the 1990s, named, well obviously, Graeme. Finally, I have enough energy coïnciding with sufficient cognitive clarity to be able to type a short blog-post. In later years, I saw him once more, but we did not meet. From what I can gather, he has a successful career and appears hale & hearty. 😊
Graeme III
my social-worker friend
he’s gay
not as inhibited as myself
tells me
I do not know
what emotional baggage you carry
my most recently-found, close friend
she’s straight
and worldly wise
you’ve encountered her
tells me
not to contact you
not to debase myself
my second most long-standing friend
he’s straight
for ever horny
(around women)
tells me
go for it
you never know
My most long-established friend
he’s unsure
but if pressed
will assert his heterosexuality
(he’s the most repressed person I know)
tells me
… nothing
he just humphs
and changes the subject
I would like to be friends
I would prefer us to be lovers
(full-time relationship or occasional liaison)
I would settle for an amicable affinity
- is compromise a dirty word?
Whilst writing I have been listening to multiple versions of Olive’s “You’re Not Alone”, which invariably brings Graeme to mind. I doubt very much he even remembers our encounters, let alone knows of my existence. However, should he read this, I hope he reälises I wish him well.
Below is a link to another version of the music-video: