Eight years ago, Cardinal Bergoglio became Pope Francis. At the time (see quotations below) I was filled with Hope. Given what he has had to contend with, for me, Francis has not failed to fulfil his promise thus far. I was and am especially proud of his encyclical, Evangelii Gaudium [The Joy of the Gospel], upon which I blogged in November 2013, not for its religious commentary but rather its pragmatic approach to poverty, institutional injustice and the importance of ethical business, banking & economics. From an ethics perspective it is well worth a read, or read my blog-post for the edited highlights. I do not consider myself a religious person, but rather a spiritual one. I shall continue to pray for the Pope from time to time, as he needs all the support he can get.
G_d bless Pope Francis! 🙏🏻
🇬🇧🇺🇸 Pope Francis: that has to be a good omen; a humble saint; a humble man. He's certainly going to need God's help if he's to survive the machinations of the Vatican, the Mafioso and the Freemasons, let alone the gay cabal!
Pope Francis gives me hope that the church might renew itself. %D
🇪🇸 Papa Francis: que tiene que ser un buen augurio; un santo humilde; un hombre humilde. Está seguro que él va a necesitar la ayuda de Dios si va a sobrevivir a las intrigas del Vaticano, del mafioso y de los masones (y mucho menos ¡la cábala gay!).
Papa Francis me da esperanzas de que la iglesia pueda renovarse. %)
🇩🇪🇦🇹 Papst Francis: das muß ein gutes Omen; ein bescheidener Heiliger; ein demütiger Mensch. Es ist sicher daß er um Gottes Hilfe brauchen wird, wenn er die Machenschaften des Vatikans, der Mafioso und den Freimaurern überleben wird, und dazu die Homosexuell Kabale.
Papst Francis gibt mir Hoffnung, daß die Kirche sich zu erneuern könnte. %)