Monday 1 December 2014

Gay Wheelies Win!!!

Readers may recall my first ever guest blog-post by LGBT Network's Rob McDowall on a case of discrimination on the Glasgow gay scene, whence a queer couple, both of whom were in a wheelchair, were denied entry to a night-club despite having been permitted entry on previous occasions. You can read the full article here.

Well, I am delighted to have found out and pass on the good news that the lads won their case of disability discrimination. Here is the link to the news.

"a hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court ruled the couple had been discriminated against and they will receive £2000 in compensation after G1's legal representatives agreed to the decree.
It is one of the only civil cases seen in Scotland under the Equality Act in relation to access for disabled people."

The part I find exciting, from a very personal perspective, as I am also queer & disabled, is, in the words of one of the partners, Robert Gale:
"We took this case for that young LGBT disabled person whose first experience of trying to access their so called community is to be told that they're not wanted."
"We took this case to show every company who thinks it can get away with treating disabled people like they are unworthy of using their services that they can't."
I am so thrilled at this outcome. Well done the both of them! %D

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