Saturday 1 November 2014

Toxic Individuals; Toxic Affinities

[Image description: a photo of sky above mountain peaks,
upon which the following text is overwritten -

You don't ever have to feel guilty about
It doesn't matter whether someone is a relative,
romantic interest, employer, childhood friend,
or a new acquaintance - you don't have to make
room for people who cause you pain or make
you feel small. It's one thing if a person owns up
to their behaviour and makes an effort to change.
But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores
your boundaries, and "continues" to treat you
in a harmful way, they need to go.


© Simple Reminders


I have separated myself from very toxic parents. This was done on the advice of my G.P. (family doctor), psychologist and psychiatrist more than a decade ago. My mental health has never been better and I can genuinely say I am now a content and happy person. My previous (the afore referenced) G.P. noted within a matter of months the amelioration in my confidence levels, previously never experienced by myself. I can never wholly clear out their toxic legacy; but I have done my level best.

A couple of years back, a friendship that was adversely affecting my amour-propre was brought to an end by myself after discussing with the chap and finding no way to improve matters.

One of my cousins, whom I love dearly, is extremely negative, so I try to avoid as much as possible, especially when feeling low myself. But I should never wish to cut the person off completely, as there is much good in them.

Knowing that specific folk are toxic to one's health, is the first step in preventing them from causing one harm. It is never an easy step and one ought to fully consider all the ramifications before ending any relationship. However, I personally can vouch for the benefits of ending toxic affinities.


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