Thursday 18 April 2024

What do Instagram Faves Reveal?


Due to health-issues, for most of 2024 thus far I have been mainly avoiding the majority of my social-media. However, looking at images on Instagram (IG) is mostly innocuous and does not generally cause me anxiety nor stress.

I wondered what my favourited (in IG-jargon ‘saved’ images) might say about me. The reader can come to their own conclusions. However, below the screenshots of all my favourited images from 1st January to 31st March I have attempted a very light-touch analysis for anyone interested.

For myself, it helped me reälise that these past few months have not been all doom-and-gloom, but pockets of stimulation and interest.



So what themes appear? I have attempted to group labels under general terms. These are then listed alphabetically.


Aboriginal Art, Art, Artworks, Cinema, Collage, Colours, Dance, Elias Alpha, Illustration, Landscapes, Literature, Mosaïc, Music, Oriental Art, Painting, Photography, Portraiture, Sculpture, Tattooing, Textile Art, Tristor Blue, Western Art.


Clothes, Fashion, Garments, Sex-Clothing, Underwear.


Christianity, Humanism, Jesus, Religion, Spirituality.


Bibliophilia, Comics, Harry Potter, Le Petit Prince, Libraries, Literature, Reading, The Little Prince, Webcomics.


Architecture, Colour, Décor, Design, Furniture, Homes, Kitchen Design, Rooms, Ruins, Svenskt Tenn™️, Urban Landscapes.


Affection, Affinities, Comedy, Encouragement, Humour, Interactions, Laughs, Motivational Messages, Relationships, Smiles, Tenderness.


Games, Jigsaws, Lego™️, Television.


Baking, Cakes, Cheese, Cooking, Cuisine, Drinks, Eateries, Eating, Fish, Gastronomy, Pizza, Prawns, Prosecco, Recipes, Restaurants, Salmon, Seafood, Sushi, Wine.


Covid, Disabilities, Health, Health-Issues, Chronic-Illness, Health-Messages, Ill-Health, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.


English, Etymology, Foreign Languages, Languages, French, German, Spanish, Words.


Angels, Demons, Dragons, Elves, Fauns, Chinese Dragons, Chinese New Year, Saint George, Saint Michael, Unicorns, Vampires, Wood-Dragons, Year of the Dragon, Year of the Wood-Dragon, Zodiacs.



Bears, Birds, Cats, Feathers, Foxes, Greyhounds, Owls, Sea-Life, Tigers, Wolves;


Floristry, Flowers, Fruit, Gardens, Garden-Design, Garden-Landscapes, Nature, Skyscapes, Trees, Vegetables, Waterways, Weather, Woodlands.


Chinese New Year, Palentine’s Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Year of the Dragon, Year of the Wood-Dragon.


Advocacy, Political Messages.


Bears, Beards, Bellies, Bodies, Body-Imagery, Breasts, Chests, Daddies, Erotica, Gingers, Hirsuteness, Homoëroticism, Homosexuality, Jockstraps, Kinks, Kissing, Leather, LGBTQIA, Masculinity, Men, Moustaches, Rubber, Sapiosexuality, Sex, Sex-Clothing, Queerness, Underwear, Wimmin/Women.


Andalusia, Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, England, Finland, France, Japan, Leeds, Locality, London, Manchester, South Africa, Spain, Trains, USA.


In conclusion, my life seems to have been much fuller than I had reälised. I am so glad I made the effort to review my first quarter of the year. I feel far more positive about my life than I did prior to this endeavour.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I chanced upon your profile via a comment you made on a recent Tapas webcomic. It lead me to your blog posting of saved images from Instagram. I see that you have quite an eclectic taste for so many different types of art and interests; as I do!
    There are a few artists that you like that I have commissioned to create a rendering of an old photo of my partner and me, in their artistic style. Isn’t it wonderful to be amazed by how someone can be so talented and creative.
    I will have to follow your blog soon. I will now check out your subscriptions that you follow on Tapas. I find such interesting stories by looking at other people’s subscriptions!
    Best regards, Theo (@yourtedliness on Instagram)
